The new Law for Circularity and Sustainability in Tourism, approved yesterday by the Consell de Govern, declares a four-year moratorium for new hotels and holiday rentals growth in the Balearic Islands. The new law allows four years for the councils to establish a maximum limit of beds, which must always be lower than the number of places than the previous stock.
According to the new decree-law, from today, a "bed moratorium" is established, and the island councils will have four years to establish their respective ceilings.
In this way, "what we do from the Government is to suspend the currently unsold beds, as we aim to reduce them", explained the Minister of Tourism of the Balearic Islands, Iago Negueruela.
"The moratorium means that new places cannot be acquired. This will not affect the places we already have or are currently in the process of being acquired. What cannot be done is to acquire now, from now on, new places for tourist use. I want to remember that we have had a very important growth in rental housing for tourist use," added the councillor.
On the other hand, hotel establishments can carry out renovation and expansion works, up to 15% of their surface, to improve services and rooms, but in exchange for reducing their number of beds by 5%.
In Mallorca, the stock currently has 8,500 places that, until today, could be sold to create new hotels or vacation rental homes. Of these 8,500 beds in Mallorca, 4,840 were for hotels and 3,640 for holiday rentals. Furthermore, from 2024, another 14,000 places planned to be released have also been suspended. In the Balearic Islands, the moratorium will affect 18,718 places, of which 8,486 correspond to Mallorca, 7,000 to Eivissa and 3,232 to Formentera. Menorca does not have a bag of places.
After the decree approved yesterday by the Government, all of this is on hold until the island institution modifies its Tourism Intervention Plan (PIAT) and sets a maximum number of new tourist places for the island of Mallorca and that must be less than 8,500 that currently marks its reservation bag of seats. If the island councils do not establish this maximum limit on the drop in tourist places in four years, the Government will definitively extinguish them.
The Consell de Govern approved the rule as a decree, so its measures are already in force today. In any case, it will be processed in the Parliament as a bill so that during the parliamentary process, some fringes that have remained pending during the negotiation carried out by the three parties of the left-wing Pact, PSIB, Podemos will be introduced. and Mes. The Government released a special BOIB yesterday so that the measures were already effective today and thus avoid speculation about the possible purchase of tourist places.